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Are you frustrated by not being able to hire the people you want in the industry? Are you ready to build and train your own team? This blog post is for you. Let’s talk about some key steps to train someone from scratch. I’ll share a story and a method that will help you train an inexperienced employee successfully. 

How I Trained an Employee Without Experience

I remember a remarkable individual who joined our project site with no construction experience and limited English. Despite these challenges, his hard work, good work ethic, and eagerness to grow were evident. We met on a material hoist he was operating, and with the English he knew, we communicated and formed a relationship.

This individual was smart and determined. I encouraged him to take night classes to improve his English, which he did for about four or five months. Once his English improved, I asked him to read “Construction Surveying and Layout” by Wesley Crawford, and he diligently completed it.

We then moved on to practical training: survey techniques, learning to use the total station and level, and taking a course on AutoCAD through LinkedIn Learning. He mastered these skills and moved on to Revit, again using LinkedIn Learning.

About eight months after we started, another project began nearby, and he got an opportunity to work independently. He used the robotic total station, managed layout techniques, handled frontline quality and safety management, and created lift drawings in Revit.

How Long It Took to Train Our New Employee

From start to finish, it took about nine to twelve months to train him to proficiency. He became the lead field engineer and is now the Director of Surveying and Layout for a company in Tucson, Arizona. This story highlights a pattern that I want to share with you today.

Key Steps to Train Someone with No Experience

  1. Importance of Being a Hard Worker: Hard work is crucial. Even with all the knowledge, nothing changes without effort. The individual in my example was a hard worker, which was step one.
  2. Importance of Having Aligned Core Values: Ensure the person aligns with your company’s core values. They should consistently match at least three out of five core values. If they align, they can go the distance.
  3. Importance of Having a Growth Mindset: A growth mindset is essential. The person must be willing to learn and grow. If they’re fixed in their thinking, training won’t be effective. A hard worker with a growth mindset and aligned core values is gold.
  4. Creating a Scorecard for Employee Training: Once you have the right person, create a scorecard for the position. The scorecard should outline the role, required technical and interpersonal skills, and expected outcomes. This clarity gives them a target and helps map out a successful path.
  5. Providing Resources for Employee Training: Provide the necessary resources: time, training, tools, and a place to work. This includes books, LinkedIn courses, equipment, and opportunities to practice. Although it costs money, the return on investment is significant.
  6. Providing Mentors for New Employees: Every trainee needs a mentor or coach. Regular check-ins and guidance are crucial. Don’t leave them to figure things out alone; mentorship is key to their development.
  7. Giving Opportunities to New Employees: Offer real opportunities to practice what they’ve learned. Don’t hold them back due to inexperience or age. Believe in their potential and give them the chance to prove themselves.

Estimated Duration of Training a New Employee

With a clear path, proper resources, mentorship, and opportunities, you can train an employee to proficiency in about eight months. This applies to construction and other support positions.

Learn More About Employee Training

Below, I’ve provided a complete list of steps and some recommendations. Take this list and start implementing it with your new employees. Think about what it could mean for your business if you mapped out a training path and provided what your employees need.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this blog post. On we go!

If you want to learn more we have:

-Takt Virtual Training: (Click here)
-Check out our Youtube channel for more info: (Click here) 
-Listen to the Elevate Construction podcast: (Click here) 
-Check out our training programs and certifications: (Click here)
-The Takt Book: (Click here)

Discover Jason’s Expertise:

Meet Jason Schroeder, the driving force behind Elevate Construction IST. As the company’s owner and principal consultant, he’s dedicated to taking construction to new heights. With a wealth of industry experience, he’s crafted the Field Engineer Boot Camp and Superintendent Boot Camp – intensive training programs engineered to cultivate top-tier leaders capable of steering their teams towards success. Jason’s vision? To expand his training initiatives across the nation, empowering construction firms to soar to unprecedented levels of excellence.

On we go!